Cell Phone Housing Acrylic Enamel Coating/Paint
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Product Description
Acrylic-reinforced aliphatic, aromatic polyurethane protective coating is a three component acrylic-reinforced aliphatic, aromatic polyurethane protective coating system. The ZBG
product retains all of the characteristics of the base XO2 product. With the addition of the EPA approved ingredient, the
coating now will not support the growth of bacteria, mold or mildew. It establishes solid adhesion to various substrates and
can be applied to horizontal, vertical, overhead and irregular shaped surfaces by properly trained and licensed applicators.
Application & Equipment
Acrylic-reinforced aliphatic, aromatic polyurethane protective coating should be applied by factory trained personnel only. Standard application equipment is a factory authorized spray
gun. When using as a filler, Acrylic-reinforced aliphatic, aromatic polyurethane protective coating may be applied with a trowel, putty knife or squeegee.
Apply in good weather when air and surface temperature are above 50°F and surface temperature is at least 5°F above the
dew point. For optimum application properties, material should be between 50°F to 100°F prior to mixing and application.
Maintain unmixed material in closed containers in protected storage at 40°F to 100°F.
Note: During breaks or any period of work stoppage, maintain air pressure to the spray gun with the trigger cocked to the
open position. This will keep the air chamber and material flow chamber from getting clogged and will maintain the spray
gun in a ready to use state. When adding fresh material to the hopper, return the trigger to the closed position.
Standard mixing ratio of 2.5:1:1 by volume (2.5 part A to 1 part C to 1 part B plus color/tint). Licensed applicators shall refer
to the factory authorized manual for specific color applications.
To facilitate mixing and application, store this product in a warm place (40°F minimum). Mix in the ratio as shown in the
factory manual and/or as shown on color/tint containers. Shake A & B components thoroughly before combining. Mix
combined components thoroughly (2-3 minutes) with a high-speed, non-explosive drill. Mixed material is ready for
immediate use.
Reduction: None recommended.
Pot Life
Mixed material should be applied within 20 minutes. Elevated temperatures will reduce pot life. Do not attempt to apply
material which has become too thick. It must be discarded. Mix only enough material for use within expected pot life.
Pot life time may vary with environmental or climactic conditions.
@ 70°F, 50% relative humidity. To Tack Free: 30-60 minutes. To Recoat: 6-10 hours depending on conditions.
Maximum Recoat: one week. Immersion: 5-7 days minimum. Recommended maximum recoat time is one week. If
recoating thereafter, inspect and remove surface contaminants. Apply representative test patches to confirm adhesion. High
pressure detergent wash, surface abrading and/or priming may be necessary.
Ensure forced ventilation of any confined space during application and curing of this coating to ensure complete solvent
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Acrylic-reinforced aliphatic, aromatic polyurethane protective coating Biocidal-Polyurethane Protective Coating
Colors and Finishes
Several standard color tints are offered by the manufacturer. Custom color can be accomplished by paint code number
matched to a factory tint code. Use pure tint only. Do not add fillers, clears, etc.
Surface finish will vary from an orange peel texture to a very smooth texture with a semi-gloss finish. Aggregates (such as
sand, rubber crumb, quartz, etc.) may be added to the final mix for a more aggressive finished surface. Licensed applicators
shall refer to the factory manual for instructions on specific finishes.
Surface Preparation
Good surface preparation is essential to a satisfactory coating system. Surfaces to be coated shall be clean and dry to the
touch. Remove all oil, grease, mildew or other contamination by detergent cleaning, solvent or other effective means. The
licensed applicator shall refer to the factory manual to determine the substrate preparation method for the type of surface to be
Surface preparation will vary by substrate. Acceptable substrates are aluminum, metals, ceramic tile, concrete, fiberglass and
wood. Contact factory representative for other substrates to be considered. Abrade smooth or glossy surfaces. Apply a test
patch to confirm adhesion and compatibility.
Solids Content (+/- 2%): 95% by weight. 90% by volume.
Number of Coats: Horizontal surfaces will only require one coat. Vertical and overhead surfaces may require several
coats depending on final thickness and finish desired. 62-250 mils may be applied per coat
depending on application.
Coverage (theoretical): 18-22 ft2 per gallon @ 62 mils or 1/16th inch.
Storage and Handling
Material must be stored and handled in compliance with all current and local regulations. Refer to the current MSDS for the
latest safety and health information. Keep in cool, dry protected storage, well ventilated, between 45°F-95°F and out of direct
sunlight. Maintain unmixed material in sealed containers at all times.
Material has a minimum shelf life of one year from date of manufacture if stored as indicated above, unopened in sealed
containers. Ensure B and C components are consistent in appearance and viscosity after aggressive shaking.
Read each components material safety data sheet (MSDS) before use. Safety precautions must be strictly followed during
storage, handling and use.
Limited Warranty
The technical data, specifications and suggestions for use contained in this document and in the factory manual are true and
correct to the best of our knowledge at the date of issuance. The statements of these documents do not constitute a warranty,
expressed or implied, as to the performance of these products. Since Scorpion Protective Coatings, Inc. does not control the
application of its products, or the condition of the surfaces to which they are applied, Scorpion Protective Coatings liability
will under no circumstances exceed replacement of the product. All technical information is subject to change without notice.
Physical Properties and Immersion/Resistance
Refer to Scorpion Protective Coatings, Inc. Technical Data Manual for related information. |
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