Insulating Coating/Paint
For Details, Click Here to Send Us an Inquiry At: sales@epoxy-paint.cn to see if this Insulating Coating/Paint is right for your application. |
Electrometriccopolymer based water proof acrylic coating for all surfaces it is superior toother available products. When dry it is moister repelling becoming perfectstrong plate and water resist. APPLICATION: CABEL-UP must beapplied to dry clean surfaces containing no dampness at temperatures between+5°C and +30°C.First apply a primeR coat and then apply 2 undiluted coats. Inlarge areas where mechanical strokes might occur, applying a protective coat isrecommended. It can be safely used on base concrete walls, swimming pools,water tanks, balconies and other surfaces exposed to moisture. DILUTION: Dilute with 40 % cleanwater for undercoat. CONSUMPTION: 0.750 kg /m² forvertical strokes and 1.500 kg for horizontal strokes. STORAGE: It has a shelf life of twoyears when stored unopened in frost-free conditions. PACKAGING: It is available in 20 kg5 kg and 1 kg P.E. container. |
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