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Epoxy Coating Paint Enamel Lacquer Primer Top coat Steel Structure China
Coating Systems
Paint/Coating Products
Coating Solutions
 China Epoxy Protective Coating Paint Enamel Lacquer Primer Topcoat Steel Structure Weather Chemical Solar Heat Fire Resistant .


Epoxy Steel Structure Coating China Supplier Steel Structure Coating
Alkyd Primer and Undercoater
Exterior Alkyd Paint Semi-Gloss Finish Super Alkyd
Phenolic Coating
High Build Epoxy Primer
Catalyzed Vinyl Finishing
Catalyzed Epoxy Primer
High durability Thermosetting Polyester Enamel
Protective Coatings for Galvanized Steel
Three Dimensional Alkyd Gloss Enamel
Fast Product Enamel
Chlorinated Polyethylene primer paint
Epoxy Silicone Paint
Metallic Aluminium and Hammered or Satin Paint
Anti Corrosion Epoxy Polyurethane Paint
Red Oxide Primer
Enamel Finishes and Metallic Finishes
Clear Acrylic Metal Lacquer
Epoxy Coal Tar Coating
China external wood external coating External Wood Finish & Primers
Extrusion Coating
Fast Dry Alkyd Enamel
Exterior Water-based Wood Preservative Semi-transparent, Flat Satin
Solar Reflective Polyurethane Enamel
Water Reducible Primer
Primer Sealer
Waterborne Satin
Polyurethane Alkyd Sealant
Wood Finish Paint
Urethane Wood Finish
Interior Oil Polyurethane
Interior Water Borne Polyurethane
Quick Dry Sanding Sealer
UV Coating
Two-component Acrylic Urethane Enamel
CAB-Acrylic Lacquer
Epoxy Powder Coating
Epoxy Paste Adhesive For Bonding Traffic Markers To Pavement
china special industrial paint Special Industrial Paint
Zinc Chromate Vinyl Primer
Water Borne Thermoset Carbon Fiber Paint
Inorganic Zinc Coatings
Molybdenum Disulfide Coating
Conversion Varnish
Water Borne Thermosetting Paint
Asphalt Epoxy Paint
High Durability Thermosetting Polyester Enamel
Thermosetting Alkyd Enamel
Phosphate Coating
Fluoropolymer Coatings
Polytetrafluoro Ethylene PTFE Coating
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Coating
Epoxy Rubber paint
Electrocoat E-coat
Heavy Duty Block Filler
Insulating Coating/Paint
Heavy Duty Chemical Resistant Coating
China Supplier Marine Offshore Yacht Boat Coating Paint Marine Ship Paint
Vessel Paint
Tin Free Ship Bottom Paint Coaing
Anticorrosive Vinyl Primer
Chlorinated Rubber Anticorrosive Primer
Floor Enamel
Chlorinated Polyethylene Coating
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Coating
Coal Tar Coating
Phenolic Modified Alkyd Coating
Inorganic Zinc Rich Primer Coating
Fire Resistance Coating
Silicon Coating
Marine Paint
Electrophoretic Paint
High Chemical Resistance Coating
Epoxy Binder For Industrial And Institutional Floor Surfacings
High Temperature or Heat Resistant Coatings
Glass Flake Heavy Anticorrosive Paint/Coating
Plastic Metal Wood Finish Coating China Supplier Plastic Metal Wood Finish
Primer-Sealer, Undercoater Stain Killer
Melamine Finish
Two-Component Acrylic Urethane Enamel Topcoat
Thermosetting Alkyd Enamel
Moisture Resistnat Lacquer
Fast Dry Acrylic Enamel
High Solids Acrylic Enamel
Water Reducible Baking Enamel
Waterborne Enamel
Cell Phone Housing Acrylic Enamel Coating/Paint
Poly-Epoxy Semi-Gloss Electrostatic Enamel
Metallic Aluminium and Hammered or Satin Finish Paint
Quick Drying Metal Primer
Catalyzed Epoxy Primer
Liquid Rubber Coatings
Water-Borne Metallic Paint
Floor Paint Coating Floor Paint Coating
Quick Drying Floor Paint
Concrete Floor Paint
Epoxy Floor Coating
Chemical Resistant Epoxy Binder Coating
Moisture Cured Floor Paint
Epoxy Moisture Barrier
Moisture Resistnat Lacquer
Self-Leveing High-build Epoxy Coating
Epoxy Moisture Barrier
Sulfuric Acid Resistant Coating
Epoxy Coating For Concrete And Steel Marine Structures
Binder Bridge Deck Coating
High Build Marine Structure Coating
Binder, Flooring Decorative Coating
Unsaturated Polyester Glass Flake Putty
Flame & Fire Retardant Intumescent Paint & Varnish
Zinc Phosphate Primer
Zinc Rich Primer



Water Borne Thermoset Glass Paint Water Borne Thermosetting Glass Paint/ Coating

For Details, Click Here to Send Us an Inquiry At: sales@epoxy-paint.cn to see if this Water Borne Thermosetting Paint is right for your application.


Features General Properties
This product is formulated to perform as a direct to metal primer
and as a tough, durable semi-gloss finish coat. This water
reducible acrylic offers no fire hazard and is non-polluting. It
provides resistance to various weather conditions, oxidation,
fading and loss of gloss. This tough flexible film provides the
adhesion needed to withstand thermal shock due to radical
weather changes. Uncoated ferrous metal must receive a
minimum of two coats.
• Direct to metal application • Unlimited color selection
• Water thinned • Corrosion resistant
• Fast dry and recoat times • No fire hazard
• Excellent adhesion • Non-polluting
• Resists oxidation, fading, • Semi-gloss finish
and loss of gloss
• Standard line of colors
Recommended For: Limitations:
• Not for immersion service
• Not for strong chemicals
• Not for high traffic floor surfaces
• Minimum film forming temperature 50° F
• Ferrous or non-ferrous metal • Dairies
• Interior or exterior surfaces • General maintenance
• Wood painting
• Masonry surfaces • Bottling plants
• Protects tanks • Power generating plants
• Equipment • Structural or support steel
• Conveyors • Roof decks
• Fencing • Bar joists
• Food processing plants • Roof vents
Labor Saving Benefits
• This product serves as both a primer and a finish coat. Therefore, both
coats have rust inhibition and the durability of the semi-gloss finish
• Provides excellent adhesion, permitting application to a wide variety of
• This tough flexible film is fast drying, which allows for faster recoat
time, eliminating costly down time
• Resists various weather conditions, oxidation, fading, loss of gloss and
mild chemical and industrial fumes
• Resists loss of adhesion due to thermal shock caused by radical
temperature changes
Colors —Standard: WM29-08 Safety White WM29-82 Safety Black
WM29-64 Bronzetone
—Tint Bases:
WM29-1B Pastel Base
WM29-2B Medium Base
WM29-3B Deep Base
WM29-4B Ultra Base
—Special Colors: Contact your Benjamin Moore & Co.
Master Painters Institute MPI #153.
Formulated without lead, mercury or chromates.
Formulated with non-photochemically reactive solvents.
Does not contain any ozone-depleting substances, either Class I or Class II.
Technical Data Safety White
Generic Type Acrylic
Pigment Type Titanium Dioxide & Corrosion Inhibitors
Volume Solids 47%
Theoretical Coverage 320 Sq. Ft. @ 2.3 Mils.
Film Thickness – Wet 3.8 - 6.2 Mils
– Dry 1.8 - 2.9 Mils
Dry Time @ 70° F — To Touch 1 Hour
— To Recoat 8 Hours
Dries By Coalescence
Dry Heat Resistance 250° F
Viscosity 77 ± 5 KU
Flash Point (Seta) None
60° Specular Gloss 40% - 60%
Surface Temperature At Application – Min. 50° F
– Max. 95° F
Surface must be dry and at least 5° above the dew
Reducer Clean Water
Reduction – Brush 5%
– Roller 5%
– Spray 10% Max
Clean Up Thinner Clean Water
Mixing Ratio N/A
Induction Time N/A
Pot Life @ 70° F N/A
Weight Per Gallon 10.2 lbs.
Storage Temperature – Min. 40° F
– Max. 90° F
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
**Unthinned Grams/Liter 207
Lbs./Gal. 1.73
e block and other porous
masonry surfaces. Use interior and exterior. Very low VOC and low odor plus soap and water clean-up.
Primer Product Code CCWM29 WM29 284 066 M88
Generic Type Acrylic Acrylic Vinyl Acrylic Acrylic Latex Vinyl Acrylic
Block Filler
Pigment Type Titanium Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide,
Titanium Dioxide
Corrosion Inhibitors Corrosion Inhibitors Select Inerts Select Inerts
Volume Solids 40% 40% 28% 14% 38%
Theoretical Coverage at 320 sq. ft. 320 sq. ft. 425 sq. ft. 200 - 400 sq. ft. 75 sq. ft.
Recommended Film Thickness
Film Thickness - Wet 5.0 mils 5.0 mils 3.0 mils 5.4 mils 21.0 mils
- Dry 2.0 mils 2.0 mils 0.8 mils 0.7 mils 8.0 mils
Dry Time - To Touch 1 hour 1 hour 30 min. 1 hour 1 hour
- To Recoat 8 hours 8 hours 1 hour 2 hours 3-4 hours
Dries By Coalescence Coalescence Coalescence Coalescence Coalescence
Dry Heat Resistance 250° F 250° F 260° F 280° F 260° F
Viscosity 90 ± 5 KU 90 ± 5 KU 100 ± 3 KU 80 ± 5 KU 125 ± 5 KU
Flash Point (Seta) None None None None None
60° Specular Gloss 40% - 60% 40% - 60% 10% max. N/A 10% max.
Surface Temperature - Min. 50° F 50° F 50° F 50° F 50° F
At Application - Max. 100° F 100° F 95° F 90° F 90° F
Surface must be dry and
at least 5° above the dew point.
Reducer Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water
Reduction - Brush 5% max. 5% max. not recommended not recommended 5%
- Roller 5% max. 5% max. not recommended not recommended 5%
- Spray 10% max. 10% max. 10% max. not recommended 5%
Clean Up Thinner Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water Clean Water
Mixing Ratio N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Induction Time N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pot Life @ 70° F N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Weight Per Gallon 10.0 lbs. 10.0 lbs. 11.3 lbs. 8.5 lbs. 12.6 lbs.
Storage Temperature - Min. 40° F 40° F 40° F 40° F 40° F
- Max. 90° F 90° F 95° F 95° F 95° F

Performance Standards Environmental, Health & Safety Information Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe spray mist or sanding dust. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Avoid exposure to dust and spray mist by wearing a NIOSH approved respirator during application, sanding and clean up. Follow respirator manufacturers directions for respirator use. Close con-tainer after each use. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush with water for 15 minutes; for skin, wash with soap and water. If you experience difficulty breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately. IN CASE OF SPILL Absorb with inert material and dispose of as specified under Clean Up. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN PROTECT FROM FREEZING FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for additional health and safety information. Warranty & Limitation of Sellers Liability All statements made on any product label, product manual, product data sheets, technical data charts or specification charts contained herein, are accurate to the best of our knowledge. The products and information are intended for use by persons having skill and know-how in the industry at their own discretion and risk. Benjamin Moore & Co. warrants only that its coatings represented herein meet the formulation standards of Benjamin Moore & Co. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY THE SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OR LAW, OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Workmanship, weather, construction equipment, quality of other materials and other variables affecting the results are beyond our control. No agent, employee or representative of seller has any authority to bind seller to any affirmation, representation or warranty except as stated above. ASTM D 3359 Cross Cut Tape Test 5B ASTM D 4060 CS-17 Wheels, 1000 gm Load 220 mg / 1000 Cycles ASTM D2794 Gardner Impact, 7 Day Air Dry at 77° F Direct 80 inch pounds, reverse 80 inch pounds ASTM D 522 Conical Mandrel Apparatus 28% 5% NaOH Softened 5% H2S04 Softened 100% Xylene Softened 100% Mineral Spirits No Effect ASTM D3363 Pencil Hardness 7 Day Cure 2H ASTM G53 Accelerated aging via exposure to fluorescent, ultraviolet, and condensation. 1000 Hours minimal gloss reduction 1300 Hours DE 1.56 ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test 96 Hours Few #8 Blisters not recommended All tests are for Safety White unless otherwise noted.

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