●Excellent high speed welding performance
●Outstanding gas cutting properties
●Can be over coated with a wide range of topcoat systems
●Excellent corrosion resistance in the long term
●Excellent resistance to abrasion,heat and bending
Color(s) Grey,Green and Oxide Red
Mixing ratio Base/Liquid=10.4/7.6(by wt.)
Add and mix thinner to base first,then add liquid to mix
Volume Solids 43%
Specific gravity 1.32(Mixtuer)
Film thickness Dry:15-25 microns/coatWet:34-58 microns/coat
Spreading rate Theoretical:0.0505kg/㎡/15microns
Practical:Various depending on surface conditions, environment, applications,etc.
Shelf temperature 0℃-40℃
Shelf life 6 months
Flash point Greater than 13℃
Pot life Temperature(℃) 5 10 20 30
Pot life(hrs) 24 24 24 24
Application methods
Airless spray and air spray
Airless spray Recommended
Nozzle tip 0.019-0.023
Fluid pressure 70-100kg/cm2
Thinning 5-20%by volume
Thinner Cordszinc Thinner
Application temperature 0℃-40℃
Drying time&Overcoating interval
Temperature(℃) 5 10 20 30
Dry to touch(mins) 4 3 2 1
Min.interval(hrs) 24 24 24 24
*Min.interval(days) 7 7 7 7
Max.interval - - - -
*Min:For long oil alkyd resin primer and chlorinated rubber based primers.
Applied substrates Bare steel
Subsequent coat Various of primers
●Remove salt and other water-soluble contaminants by fresh water hosing.
●Degrease according to SSPC-SPI solvent cleaning.
●Remove rust,mill-scale and other loose material by abrasive blasting to ISO Sa2.5(SSPC-SP10) or better.
●Remove dust and dirt by high pressure air before paint application
●Be sure that the surface is clean and dryprior to application.