*Extends concrete floor life by dustproofing and
hardening the surface.
*High gloss, “wet look” finish brightens workroom
*Coated floors clean easily to their original beauty and
resist damage and staining from most common
chemicals, food stuffs and animal byproducts.
*Virtually solvent-free formulation prevents film
bubbling and surface pin holes common with solvent
escape in solvent based coatings.
*Excellent adhesion properties ensure coating integrity
and performance.
*Ultra-low odor.
*No primer is needed and product is easily applied,
reducing installation time and material costs.
*Unique formulation allows trapped water vapor to
pass through coating, minimizing the possibility
for surface delamination/blistering failures common to
conventional solvent based coatings.
* Surfaces to be treated must be a minimum of 30 days
old and free from surface accumulations of dust, dirt,
oil, debris, curing compounds, bondbreakers, sealers,
rubber tire residue, paints, etc. which would interfere
with product adhesion. Mechanical scrubbing is
* New, clean concrete surfaces should be acid etched to
an equivalent of a 100 grit sandpaper prior to sealer
installation. Old floors should be mechanically or
chemically cleaned (sandblasted, abrasive shot
blasted, scarified, etc.) to remove surface contaminants
and acid etched.
* Mix individual components thoroughly, then mix
components A and B together with mechanical mixer
for 2 minutes (use watch).
* Product is self priming. Apply basecoat with airless
sprayer or roller at the rate of 300 sf/gal (7.5sm/l).
If spray applied, best results are obtained if product is
backrolled. Use a 3/8-inch (1.0 cm) nap roller cover
with an 18-inch (45 cm) roller applicator.
* As soon as applied film looses its white color, promptly
backroll to achieve uniform distribution.
* When basecoat is tack-free (typically 6 hours at 68º F
or 20º C substrate temperatures) promptly apply
topcoat at the rate of 400 sf/gal (10 sm/l).
* As soon as topcoat film looses its white color, promptly
backroll to a uniform and continuous surface film.
* If additional coat(s) are necessary, apply promptly on
prior coat reaching tack free state and backroll as per
previous application. If recoating window is exceeded,
lightly sand surface with fine paper. Clean surfaces
and recoat as per above.
* Discard unused material from sprayer or roller pan
promptly following application. Discard used rollers,
brushes, etc. as they cannot be cleaned satisfactorily.
If a sprayer is used, be certain to clean sprayer
completely with soap and water after use and before
sprayer is to be shut down for more than 20 minutes.
* Regular sweeping and washing of treated surfaces is
recommended. Do not use steam or hot water over
1400 F (600 C).
* Worn or damaged areas should be cleaned |