Moisture Resistant Lacquer
Honest® Moisture Resistant
Lacquers are self sealing general purpose
topcoats specially designed for resistance
to moisture and household
• Meets the Federal HAPS rule for wood
finishes as packaged*
• Excellent moisture resistance
• Excellent resistance to household
• Self sealing
• Non-photochemically reactive
• Excellent adhesion
• Excellent cold check resistance
• Excellent print resistance
• Meets the test requirements of KCMA
specifications (See Specifications section)
*National Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (HAPS) Emissions for Wood
Furniture Manufacturing Operations
CFR40, Part 63, Subpart JJ
Gloss: Gloss Full
MRE 30-34 units
DRE 17-21 units
Weight Solids: 24 ± 1%
Volume Solids: 16 ± 2%
28-33 seconds #2 Zahn Cup
Recommended film thickness:
Mils Wet 5.0 - 6.0
Mils Dry 0.8 - 1.0
Spreading Rate (no application loss)
@ 0.8-1.0 mil dft: 265-331 sq ft/gal
Drying (77°F, 50% RH):
To Touch: 10-15 minutes
To Handle: 30-45 minutes
To Recoat: 60 minutes, do not
exceed 12 hours
Force Dry:
To Sand 10 minutes at 140°F
To Recoat: 15 minutes at 140°F
To Pack: 60 minutes at 140°F
Flash Point: 22°F Pensky-Martens
Closed Cup
Package Life: 3 years, unopened
Air Quality Data:
Non-photochemically reactive
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
as packaged, maximum
5.63 lb/gal, 673 g/L
3.17 lbs VOC/lb solids
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS)
as packaged, maximum
less than 0.8 lbs per pound of solids
An Environmental Data Sheet is available
from your local Honest-Joy facility.
Wood (interior only): Must be clean, dry,
and finish sanded. Substrate should be
free of grease, oil, dirt, fingerprints, and
any contamination to ensure optimum
adhesion and coating performance properties.
Moisture content of wood should be 6 to
Testing: Due to the wide variety of substrates,
surface preparation methods,
application methods, and environments,
the customer should test the complete
system for adhesion and compatibility
prior to full scale application.
Wood Finishing System:
Three Coat System
1. Moisture Resistant Lacquer, dry one
2. Moisture Resistant Lacquer, dry one
hour, sand with stearated paper
3. Moisture Resistant Lacquer
Sanding Sealer System
1. Vinyl Sanding Sealer, T67F3, T67F5,
T67F6 or T67F7, dry 30 minutes and
2. Moisture Resistant Lacquer, dry one
3. Moisture Resistant Lacquer
The 3 coat system is ideal for customers
who like to limit the number of finishing
materials they must have on hand to one
Typical Setups
Reduction: Normally not required. If reduction
is needed use HAPS Compliant
Lacquer Thinner, R7K320 or R7K322.
Lacquer thinner K22 or K120 may also
be used, but are not HAPS compliant.
May be applied by:
Airless Spray
Warm Spray
Curtain Coating
Consult your Honest-Joy Representative
for details.
Conventional Spray:
Air Pressure .......................... 50-65 psi
Fluid Pressure ....................... 12-15 psi
Clean tools/equipment immediately after
use with HAPS complying lacquer
thinner, R7K 320 or R7K322. Lacquer
thinner, K120 or K22, may also be used,
but are not HAPS compliant.
Follow manufacturer's safety recommendations
when using any solvent.
Product Limitations:
• Surface to be finished must be free from
grease and other foreign matter.
• Apply all coats within a 12 hour period or
lifting may occur.
• Apply directly to bare or stained wood for
best adhesion and moisture results. Adhesion
may be impaired and resistance to
moisture lowered if used over lacquer
sealer. If a sealer is desired use Sher-
Wood Vinyl Sealer, T67F3, T67F5, T67F6
or T67F7.
• If spraying conditions are above 50% RH,
use MAK, R6K30, to prevent wet film blushing.
Such drying conditions will lengthen
time to harden the film.
• Customer urged to pretest system under
shop conditions.
• Sand and remove sanding dust between
each coat.
• Not recommended for exterior use.
• To maintain HAPS compliance only reduce
with HAPS compliant reducers.
Birch panels were finished with 3 coats of Gloss
Moisture Resistant Lacquer, with 1 hour drying
between coats. The front, back and all sides were
1. An "X" cut was made through the finish to the
wood. This was covered with a wet synthetic
sponge for 16 hours. After sponge removal, a
whitening appeared, on the cut, which disappeared
after 2 hours.
2. KCMA Finish Test, F-4, Detergent and Water
Test—no effect.
Performance Tests:
Cold Check Resistance .................. 20 cycles
Print Resistance ................................. No print
3.0 mils dft, 18 hours air dry, at 1 psi at 77°F in
direct contact with 8 oz. duck cloth.
Household Chemicals Test
Maple panels were finished with 3 coats of Gloss
Moisture Resistant Lacquer, with 1 hour drying
between coats. After film was aged 30 days at
77°F, 5 drops of each item were placed under a
watch glass for one hour. The film was rinsed
with water, washed with soap and water, dried
and wiped with VM&P Naphtha to remove items
not removed with water. After removal, the finish
was examined and the following results noted:
Household Ammonia .......... slight haze/dulling
Vinegar ................................... no visual effect
Lipstick ................................... no visual effect
Lemon Juice ........................... no visual effect
50% Ethyl Alcohol .................. no visual effect
Mercurochrome 2% ................ no visual effect
Washable Blue Ink ................. no visual effect
Mustard .................................. no visual effect
Oil Base Paint ........................ no visual effect
Latex Emulsion Paint ............. no visual effect
VM&P Naphtha ...................... no visual effect
Turpentine .............................. no visual effect
Orange Crayon ....................... no visual effect
Carbon Tetrachloride .............. no visual effect
Mayonnaise ............................ no visual effect
10% Sodium Carbonate ......... no visual effect
Sour Milk ................................ no visual effect
Margarine ............................... no visual effect
Butter ..................................... no visual effect
Water ..................................... no visual effect
Grease (Cooking fat) .............. no visual effect
Thoroughly review product label for
safety and cautions prior to using this
A Material Safety Data Sheet is available
from your local Honest-Joy facility.
Please direct any questions or comments
to your local Honest-Joy facility.
Contents are FLAMMABLE. Vapors may cause flash
fires. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.
During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area
ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames,
pilot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric
tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition.
VAPOR HARMFUL. Use only with adequate ventilation.
Wear an appropriate properly fitted vapor/particulate
respirator (NIOSH approved) during and after
application, unless air monitoring demonstrates
vapor/mist levels are below applicable limits. Follow
respirator manufacturer’s directions for respirator use.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands after
using. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not
transfer contents to other containers for storage.
FIRST AID: If INHALED: If affected, remove from
exposure. Restore breathing. Keep warm and quiet.
If on SKIN: Wash affected area thoroughly with
soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing.
Launder before re-use. If in EYES: Flush eyes with
large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical
attention. If SWALLOWED: Do not induce vomiting.
Call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room,
or physician immediately.
SPILL AND WASTE: Remove all sources of ignition.
Ventilate and remove with inert absorbent. Incinerate
in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed
container. Dispose of in accordance with Federal,
State, and Local regulation regarding pollution.
Contains solvents which can cause permanent brain
and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by
deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents
can be harmful or fatal.
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
Product Limitations:
• Surface to be finished must be free from
grease and other foreign matter.
• Apply all coats within a 12 hour period or
lifting may occur.
• Apply directly to bare or stained wood for
best adhesion and moisture results. Adhesion
may be impaired and resistance to
moisture lowered if used over lacquer
sealer. If a sealer is desired use Sher-
Wood Vinyl Sealer, T67F3, T67F5, T67F6
or T67F7.
• If spraying conditions are above 50% RH,
use MAK, R6K30, to prevent wet film blushing.
Such drying conditions will lengthen
time to harden the film.
• Customer urged to pretest system under
shop conditions.
• Sand and remove sanding dust between
each coat.
• Not recommended for exterior use.
• To maintain HAPS compliance only reduce
with HAPS compliant reducers.
Note: Product Data Sheets are periodically
updated to reflect new information
relating to the product. It is important that
the customer obtain the most recent
Product Data Sheet for the product being
used. The information, rating, and
opinions stated here pertain to the material
currently offered and represent the results
of tests believed to be reliable. However,
due to variations in customer handling
and methods of application which
are not known or under our control, The
Honest-Joy Company cannot make
any warranties as to the end result. |